International Revolutionary Youth Camp


Thursday 2 August 2007 by Antoine

This year’s International Revolutionary Youth Camp is being held in Barbaste, near Agen in France. The camps is organised by the french Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire (LCR) and the youth group Jeunnesse Communiste Revolutionnaires (JCR), in collaboration with the european organizations in solidarity with the Fourth International. France is a hot bed of radical activity with school students blockading schools against the neo-liberal attacks we are all too familiar with in Britain. As well as a massive vote against the European Constitution, workers have been striking and demonstrating almost constantly for many months. Every year the camp is held in a different country. Last year it was the turn of the Spanish State, where Espacio Alternativo and Revolta Global played hosts, and before that Portugal, France and Italy.

Every year is different, but the spirit is always the same: a space for young anticapitalist activists and youth who want to change the world to get together and get to know each other.


The programme of the camp is divided into different sections, each focussing on a major issue: imperialism, youth and the working class, women’s oppression, social movements and political parties, revolution and dual power, etc.

Every day activities are held to do with these major topics: forums, workshops and educationals.

Alternative, non-commodified recreational activities

The camps also include recreational activities, parties and alternative, non-commodified leisure activities. There is a party every night, each one on a different theme and with a different style, including a women’s party and a lesbi-gay party.
There are also other times for leisure activities, such as outings in the area round the camp, and cultural activities, such as watching videos and films.

Themed spaces

At the camps there is always a specific space for women and a LGBT space with their own activities and debates, open to everyone in the camp.

Self-management and sustainability

The camp is completely self-managed by those taking part in it. The aim is to function how we would like a different society from the one we have today to work and construct alternative experiences of organising and living together. The work (cleaning, security, serving at the bar, etc.) is carried out an a rota basis by teams of volunteers. Meetings of the delegations from every country are held each day and general camp meetings are held to keep tabs on how things are going. The camp is organised on sustainable principles, so as not to harm the environment. The food includes both vegetarian and non-vegetarian options.

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